News Framing Analysis of Jakarta Governor Election Campaign in Media Indonesia and Kompas Daily

Yanus Purwansyah Sriyanto, Widodo Muktiyo, Ahmad Adib



The purpose of this study was to find out how the news construction or the frames, carried out by Media Indonesia and Kompas against the candidate pair's campaign in the context of Jakarta Regional Head Election, in this case the Ahok-Jarot and Anies-Sandi pairs. The research  used is qualitative descriptive method, which is supported by media framing theory. Entman model framing analysis sees framing in two major dimensions, namely selection of issues and emphasis or prominence of certain aspects of reality / issues. The results of the study show that the Media Indonesia daily provides a separate indication for the reporting of the Ahok-Jarot campaign. Media Indonesia provides a broad stage for the candidate pair's political communication. While the Kompas daily tried to be neutral according to its version, by exposing the news in a proportional frame between the two candidate pairs.


Framing Analysis, News Campaign, Governor Of Jakarta.

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