The Strategy of Constructing an Introduction for Scientific Writing at University

Sokip Sokip, Joko Tri Prastiyo


Academic writing was a mandatory thing needed to be written by academics, but at this time it was still being felt and experienced, especially among students, in terms of misunderstandings and a lack of understanding of knowledge about proper research and writing of scientific papers. Therefore, the purpose of this paper was to provide insight into strategies for making introductions, abstracts, and even how to make appropriate scientific paper titles because these 3 points were the initial basis for writing scientific papers. This study employed a literature review from several experts related to the method of making scientific papers. The data obtained from the results of scientific books, journals, and several research results in the last 5 years were compared. The results of this study found 3 findings, namely (1) Introduction strategy by 3 experts; (2) title strategy by 4 experts; and (3) abstract strategy by 3 experts. From these results, it can be concluded that the strategy in writing introductions, abstracts, and even research titles for scientific work quite needed to be considered by academics, especially students as novice researchers as a first step before going deeper. The strategy used must be followed and be consistent with one of the experts who was indeed an expert in writing scientific papers and had long been involved in the world of research and was still active in research and publications.

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