Spatial Analysis of Population Density Differences Based on Administrative Area and Land Cover of Settlements Area Using GIS in Jakarta

Ikha Prasetiyani, A.Farid Wadjdi, Y Prihanto, A A Lestari, Sukendra Martha, Makmur Supriyatno, A A Supriyadi, Agus Haryanto


Population growth globally is increasing. In 2020 the total world population reached 7.82 billion people. More than doubled over the past 60 years. The total population of the world at that time was 3 billion. This shows that the human population will continue to experience rapid growth in almost all regions of the world. The development of the region as a place of human habitation is increasingly heading towards urban areas. The need for land to settle is increasing. This further triggers an increase in population density. Analysis related to population density is also increasingly becoming a trend. Population growth is an unavoidable phenomenon. Studies related to demography, especially human geography are also growing. Because the main purpose of growing science and technology is to improve human well-being. Therefore, the study of population density is very important. However, generally the most widely used calculation of population density is based on the total population and administrative area. Therefore, according to the author, studies that discuss population density on a more detailed scale need to be reproduced to enrich knowledge. So, using spatial analysis through GIS, researchers want to spatially compare population density based on administrative area and residential land cover in urban Jakarta.


population, density, urban, GIS, spatial

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