The Existence And Characterization of Potential Lipid-Degrading Bacteria in Palm Oil Mill Effluent

Fithri Washliyah Siregar, Periadnadi Periadnadi, Nurmiati Nurmiati


Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is generated from the processing of palm oil. This wastewater is a viscous, brownish liquid containing lipids and high organic content that serve as potential habitat for lipid-degrading bacteria. Lipid-degrading bacteria from ponding systems in the palm oil mill industry are capable of lysing lipids through the production of lipase enzymes by lipolytic bacteria or through the acidification pathway by fermentative bacteria. The study was conducted to determine the existence of lipid-degrading bacteria and their activity or potential character. This research was conducted using the purposive sampling method and analyzed descriptively. The results showed the existence of lipolytic bacteria (31–67×105 cfu/ml) and fermentative bacteria (33-51×105 cfu/ml) in POME. E3 has a higher lipolytic index and F2 has a higher fermentative index.


lipid-degrading bacteria; fermentative index; lipolytic index; POME; wastewater

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