Factors Affecting Anemia on Pregnant Mother in Working Area of Pijorkoling Public Health Center Padangsidimpuan

Rika Apripan


Anemia in pregnant woman is a health problem and complications that can arise both in the mother and fetus. Pregnant women at term tend to suffer from iron deficiency anemia, because the period of fetal iron reserves hoard for himself in order to supply immediately after birth. Today, 34% of mothers suffer from anemia and 75% of them are in the developing countries. In Indonesia, 63,5% of pregnant mothers suffer from anemia. The research used an analytic survey with cross sectional design which was aimed to find out some factors which influenced the incident of anemia in pregnant mothers at Pijorkoling Puskesmas, Padangsidimpuan. The population was 64 pregnant mothers of tri-semester III, and all of them were used as the samples, using total sampling technique. The data were gathered by using questionnaires and their statistic test used data analysis, using univatriate analysis, bivatriate analysis with chi square test and multivatriate analysis with multiple logistic regession tests. Consumption of Fe tablets affect the incidence of anemia in pregnant women at Pijorkoling Public Health Center in 2013. If pregnant women who do not consume regular Fe tablets will have a chance 5.796 times more had anemia than mothers who regularly consume Fe tablets. Dietary also effect on the incidence of anemia in pregnant women. If pregnant women whose dietary is not good will have a 5.233 times higher chance of had anemia than mothers who good dietary. Factors that most affect anemia in pregnant women at Pijorkoling Public Health Center Padangsidimpuan is the consumption of Fe tablets.


Anemia, Pregnant Mothers, Consumption of Fe Tablets, Dietary

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v8.2.444


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