The Influence of Organizational Culture, Competency and Teacher’s Certification toward Teacher’s Performance

Hatemu Hatemu, Bukman Lian, Yessi Fitriani


This study aimed at determining the effect of organizational culture, competency and certification toward teacher’s performance. This research belongs to quantitative ex post facto. The sample in this study was all teachers in SD Negeri Rayon 2 Pulau Rimau, which consisted of 28 teachers. Data were collected using questionnaire. Data were analysed using descriptive analysis and multiple regressions. The results of this study showed that 1) there is significant influence of organizational culture on teacher’s performance; 2) there is significant influence of competency on the teacher’s performance; 3) there is significant influence of teacher’s certification on the teacher’s performance; 4) there is significant influence jointly organizational culture, competency and teacher’s certification on the teacher’s performance.


Organizational Culture, Competency, Certification, Teacher’s Performance

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