Validity of Guided Inquiry-Based of Student Worksheets on Plantae and Animalia Material for High School Class X Students

Andika Saputra, . Lufri


Education has a very important role in the students development. Along with the development of science and technology in the era of globalization, it is necessary for qualitative and competitive education. Therefore, education must continually be adapted and innovated. In accordance with the demands of the 2013 curriculum, the learning process is centered on students. Students are trained to be able to grow and develop their own understanding without relying on the teacher. So that, in the learning process, students are able to think creatively. In achieving the learning process, tools are used specifically for Students’ Worksheets that can improve student learning outcomes. This study aims to see the results of the LKPD (students worksheet) validity used to improve student learning outcomes. This research is a development research with the aim of developing products in the form of LKPD. The instrument used in this study is the LKPD validation sheet. The result of the analysis of the validation sheet generally shows that the LKPD meets very valid criteria. The validity of didactic aspects is 93.75. and the construction aspect is 81.25% and the tenure aspect is 82%.


Validity of student worksheets, Guided Inquiry-based.

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