Bacterial Vaginosis and Colonization by Gardnerella Vaginalis in Pregnant Women at Mother-Child University Hospital Centre Antananarivo between 2017 And 2018



Background: There was no study about bacterial vaginosis and colonization by Gardnerella vaginalis in pregnant women at Ambohimiandra Mother and Child Hospital Antananarivo.

Objective: To determine the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis and colonization by Gardnerella vaginalis in pregnant women at Ambohimiandra Mother-Child Hospital and to raise awareness about the value of bacteriological examination of vaginal secretions in pregnant women in developing countries to avoid infectious complications during pregnancy.

Materials and methods: This is an observational study conducted at Ambohimiandra Mother-Child Hospital between August 2017 and August 2018. All pregnant women carrying out a systematic bacteriological examination of vaginal sampling at the laboratory of this hospital university were included.

Results: During the study, 130 pregnant women were realized a systematic bacteriological examination of vaginal sampling. Among of these, 30.76% had bacterial vaginosis and 11.53% were colonized with Gardnerella vaginalis. These cases were encountered in pregnant women at the 2nd and 3rd trimester.

Conclusion: We describe the frequency of bacterial vaginosis and colonization by Gardnerella vaginalis during pregnancy in women with no complication at the time of sampling, finding a high frequency of bacterial vaginosis and a considerable rate of Gardnerella vaginalis carriage.

Keywords - Bacterial vaginosis; Gardnerella vaginalis; Infectious; Pregnancy; Antananarivo.


Bacterial vaginosis; Gardnerella vaginalis; Infectious; Pregnancy; Antananarivo.

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