Effect of Example Non Example Method Implementation in Scientific Approach and Discovery LearningModel on VII Grade Students' Psychomotor Competence in Learning Natural Science

A. Amrianto, L. Lufri


Based on the result of questionnaire spread in junior high school 18 Padang, it was found that teachers still have difficulties to make students active in learning process. Beside that, teachers have not implemented cooperative learning, as a requirement of the 2013 Curriculum, in teaching in the classroom. In addition, students rarely ask questions and express their opinion or ideas in learning process. It shows that students' presentation skill (asking questions and expressing opinion or ideas) is still low. Therefore, there is an alternative solution to solve the problems, which is example non example method. This method is one of cooperative learning. Through cooperative learning, students are provided a situation to present their discussion result. Furthermore, it can also support the implementation of discovery learning model and scientific approach in learning process. The discovery learning and scientific approach are recommended in the 2013 Curriculum. The purpose of the research was to know effect of example non example method in scientific approach and discovery learning model on students' psychomotor competence in learning IPA. It was a quasi-experimental research. It was done in grade VII of junior high school 18 Padang. Instrument used was observation sheet. Technique of data analysis used Mann Whitney U test. The Analysis was done by using SPSS software. The finding shows that there is effect of example non example method on students' psychomotor competence in learning IPA. From the hypothesis testing, it is known that sig. Value < 0,05 or 0,030 <0,05.


Example Non Example, Scientific, Discovery, Psychomotor

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v13.2.786


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