Trust in Romantic Relationships

Begüm ÇİMEN, Prof. Dr. Ercümend ERSANLI


This study explores the relationship between trust and the quality of romantic relationships among married individuals. A sample of 181 participants (128 females, 53 males) aged 18 and older was collected using an online survey. Participants completed the Personal Information Form, Perceived Romantic Relationship Quality Scale, and Trust in Romantic Relationships Scale. Data analysis, conducted using SPSS 26, revealed a significant positive relationship between trust and the quality of romantic relationships. Regression analysis indicated that trust in romantic relationships accounted for 62.5% of the variance in relationship quality. Additionally, trust and relationship quality varied significantly by gender, age, employment status, educational level, and marriage duration. Findings underscore the reciprocal influence of trust and relationship quality, highlighting their critical role in fostering healthy and sustainable romantic relationships. Implications for marital and family counseling are discussed, alongside suggestions for enhancing trust and relationship satisfaction.


Trust; Romantic Relationships; Marriage; Relationship Quality

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