Exploring Activities as the Effort of Developing Civilization and Da’wah in University

Sokip Sokip, Achmad Sauqi, Agus Purwowidodo


Education and Da’wah were inseparable. They strived to create an active learning atmosphere to develop the potential of self-control, character and morals that were useful for the nation and religion. It was very important to build educational institutions based on da’wah and civilization in this era. Therefore, the study was conducted to explore the activities at department, faculty, and institution levels of developing civilization and da’wah Institution. This study was done at the State Islamic Institute of Tulungagung, East Java, Indonesia. Persons, places, and, papers could all serve as data sources in this study. In-depth interviews, documentation, participant observation, and data-gathering approaches were employed to continue verifying the reliability, dependability, transferability, and confirmability of the data. Next, the gathered data were examined using Miles and Huberman’s theory. The result presented that activities at the department, faculty, and university levels were incorporated with a da’wah nuance. Some activities were conducted such as introducing the subtleties of Islamic civilization, providing seminars and training on da’wah, broadcasting and digitalization, improving literacy at campus institutions, and Developing partnerships, and conducting research and community service.


Activities, civilization, da’wah, developing

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v48.1.6844


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