Inventory of Understory Plants in Dusung and Its Benefits In Waeheru Village, Ambon City
This study aims to find out the dominant and useful types of underplants as biopharmaceutical ingredients. This study uses a vegetation analysis method by purposive sampling using a sample plot measuring 1m x 1m. The results of the study showed that in the dusung in Waeheru Village, 32 types of understory plants were found consisting of 3 types of ferns, 24 types of wide leaves, 4 types of grass and 1 type of puzzle from 23 tribes. Of the 32 types of undergrowth, 21 types of plants were found to be efficacious as biopharmaceutical ingredients (herbal medicines), 4 types were useful as fruit producers, alternative foodstuffs, wood and building materials; Meanwhile, 5 types are not yet known for their efficacy and benefits. The dominant plants are Selaginella wildenowii SDR 8.44, Axonopus compresus SDR 8.06 and Sphagneticola triloba SDR 7.33. Based on the community coefficient value, the plant communities compared are not the same because the community coefficient value is 23.84%.
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