Digital Transformation in Traditional Business Models: An Examination of The Domino Case Study

Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Mai Nguyen Hoang Ngan, Nguyen Thi Lan Anh


The purpose of this study is to evaluate the digital transformation model that traditional businesses can use and to find out the opportunities and challenges that managers face when implementing digital transformation. Through analyzing Domino's, this paper shows how companies using traditional business models can apply digital transformation to gain a competitive advantage and create more value. Furthermore, traditional businesses can clearly understand the issues of digital transformation and prepare before implementing business strategies in the current digital age. To apply digital transformation, traditional companies may face many challenges, so focusing on changing the way of management may be the key solution to support them in ensuring consistency between building digital transformation and implementing strategies. The proposed solutions are based on the analysis of the real case of Domino’s digital transformation and the review of existing studies that can be useful for conventional businesses in seeking changes that are relevant to the current market. This paper uses the secondary research method, the study can support conventional companies in adopting the digital transformation model to gain more benefits. The findings have meaningful implications for managers of conventional organizations to change their business operations in line with current development trends.


Digital Transformation, Change Management, Traditional Organization.

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