Through Competency In Improving The Quality Of Human Resources at PT, Karya Murni Sentosa (KMS)
Abstract-- This research aims to see how much influence the variable innovative work behavior and inclusive leadership through competency has on the quality of human resources at PT KMS Padang with a population of 30 people using a sampling technique, namely total sampling (saturated sample). The results of this research are that the innovative work variable has a direct and significant effect on the quality of human resource management at PT. KMS Padang as well as inclusive leadership variables also have a direct and significant influence on the quality of human resources at PT KMS Padang. Apart from that, Innovative Work Behavior has a significant effect indirectly or through the Competency Variable on the Quality of Human Resources. Likewise, the Inclusive Leadership variable also has a significant effect or through the Competency variable on the Quality of Human Resources partially. The data analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis technique or Y = a + + +e. With Path analysis (Path Analysis). Based on the results of statistical tests, it was found that the constant was .024. The innovative work behavior variable has a coefficient value of 0.508 and the inclusive leadership variable has a coefficient value of 0.499 directly. Meanwhile, indirectly for the innovative work behavior variable with a regression coefficient of 0.511. Meanwhile for the Inclusive Leadership variable with a regression coefficient of 0.421 with the multiple linear regression equation Y= .024 + 0.508X+0.499X+ e this is directly. Meanwhile, indirectly Y= 0.24+0.511X+0.421X+e. So the quality of human resources working at PT. KMS Padang has been achieved well.
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