Exploration Of Sacredity In Traditional Cultural Rituals In Pemalang Through The Banyu Panguripan Dance

Afiliasi Ilafi, Bani Sudardi, Slamet Subiyantoro, Titis Srimuda Pitana


Implementation in the series of banyu panguripan ruwat traditions, there is a dance created as a representation that depicts the existence of sacredness in the banyu panguripan traditional ritual. Then the dance is called the Banyu Panguripan dance which in its creation was inspired by classical palace dance, the creation of the Banyu Panguripan dance is carried out exclusively and contemporary which is only displayed in a series of wong gunung festival activities. This research is a qualitative research that aims to describe and explore the meaning and sacred value of the Banyu Panguripan dance itself. The data collection technique used was by conducting interviews and analyzing the documentation that had been collected. The research findings revealed that the banyu panguripan dance not only functions as an event filler in a traditional cultural tourism attraction entitled the Wong Gunung Festival but also as a symbol of local cultural identity and sustainability. Through each dance movement that is harmonized with the tune of the song which contains philosophical meaning. the banyu panguripan dance displays the spirituality and social values of the Pulosari community, Pemalang Regency. Exploring the sacredness of traditional cultural rituals in Pemalang Regency through the Banyu Panguripan dance provides an understanding of the complex relationship between humans, nature, and spirituality in the context of local community life.


Banyu Panguripan Dance, Wong Gunung Festival, Pulosari, Pemalang Regency

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v46.2.6538


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