Factors Associated With Public Behavior In Reducing Household Waste In Sungai Penuh City

Rafianda Adela Putra, Yonariza Yonariza, Fuji Astuti Febria


Sungai Penuh City's waste is dominated by household waste at 40.76% with the largest composition of food waste at 44.76%.  Based on Law No. 18/2008, one of the main focuses in waste management is reduction, but the practice of waste reduction in Sungai Penuh City has not been maximized. The study aims to analyze factors related to public behavior in waste reduction in Sungai Penuh City.The approach used was quantitative with survey techniques using questionnaires, which were carried out August-December 2023. The research subjects were 79 samples of people in Sungai Penuh City. The Chi Square test was used to determine the relationship of behavior to age, education, occupation, income, knowledge and attitude. The results of the Chi Square test show that there is a significant relationship between education and waste reduction behavior (P Value = 0.03), there is a significant relationship between employment and public behavior in waste reduction (P Value = 0.027), there is a significant relationship between knowledge and public behavior in waste reduction (P Value = 0.004), and there is a significant relationship between attitudes and public behavior in waste reduction in Sungai Penuh City (P Value = 0.000). while age has no significant relationship with public behavior in waste reduction (P Value = 0.581) and income has no significant relationship with public behavior in waste reduction in Sungai Penuh City.


Public Behavior, Waste, Reduction

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