Etude des Paramètres Hydrologique et Physico-Chimiques de la Rivière Ikelemba dans la Province de l’Equateur en RD Congo

Floribert Ndunga Mwanga Motakabami, Dieu Donné Musibono Eyul’anki, Jean Claude Kamb Tshijik, Patience Ngelinkoto Mpia, Daddy Wangima Atila


The objective of this article is to measure the hydrological and physicochemical parameters of the Ikelemba River. The results showed that, the highest average width was recorded at the third station of the Ikelemba River (230 m) during the flood period and the lowest average width (53.3) was obtained during the recession period at the first station. The highest depth values were recorded at the third station of the Ikelemba River (230 m) during flood periods and 5.68 m during recession periods. The lowest values were taken at the first station (8.47m) during flood periods and (1.72m) during recession. The highest velocity values were taken at the third station (55cm/s) during the flood period and (46cm/s) at the receding stage. The lowest values were taken at the first station (35cm/s) during the recession period and 40cm/s) during floods.

During periods of flooding, the highest temperature values were recorded in the waters of Stations III (29.2°C) and Station II (28.4°C) in the Ikelemba River. The lowest temperature value was measured at station I (26.7°C). During the flood period, the highest water temperature values of the Ikelemba River from upstream to downstream were recorded in station II (27.5°C) and station III (27.3°C). And the lowest value was taken at the first station (25.8°C). Fluctuations in the conductivity of the waters of the Ikelemba River during the flood period indicate that stations III and II recorded the highest values, respectively 34.1µs/cm and 26.2µs/cm. And the lowest conductivity value was observed at station I with 25.9µs/cm. During the flood period, stations III and II of the Ikelemba River recorded the highest conductivity values of 36.2µs/cm and 31.8µs/cm respectively. The lowest value was observed at station I with 31.4µs/cm.

The pH values taken during the two periods in the Ikelemba River show that the waters were more acidic during the recession period than those of the floods. During the flood period, the highest values of dissolved oxygen were observed at stations III and II, 5.01 mg/L and 4.78 mg/L respectively. The lowest value was observed at station I 4.66mg/L at the Ikelemba River. Dissolved oxygen in the waters of the Ikelemba River has the highest levels during the recession period at stations III and II, respectively 4.82 mg/L and 3.96 mg/L. The lowest content was observed at station I with 4.02 mg/L. During the flood period, the highest concentrations of phosphates were taken at stations II and III, respectively 2.8 mg/L and 2.7 mg/L in the Ikelemba River. The lowest concentration was recorded at station I with 2.5mg/L from the Ikelemba River. The concentrations of phosphates observed during the recession period revealed the highest values at stations II and III, respectively 2.5 mg/L and 2.3 mg/L of the Ikelemba River. The lowest concentration was recorded at station I with 2.2 mg/L.

During flood periods the highest nitrate concentrations were taken at stations I and III with the same value 3mg/L in the Ikelemba River. The minimum concentration was recorded at station II with 2.8mg/L from the Ikelemba River. The nitrate concentrations observed during the recession period presented the highest values at stations I and III respectively with the same values 2.9 mg/L of the Ikelemba River. The lowest concentration was recorded at station II with 2.7 mg/L from the Ikelemba River.


Hydrological parameters, Physico-Chemical parameters, River, Ikelemba, Equateur Province and DR Congo.

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