Analysis of Structure and Content Chemistry for Class XII using the Model of Educational Reconstruction (MER)

Dewi Julianti, Jon Efendi


This study aims to analyze the structure and content of the XII grade SMA / MA chemistry subjects using the Model Of Educational Reconstruction (MER). This model consists of 3 components, namely: content structure analysis, teaching and learning research and learning development and evaluation. This research is limited to the content structure analysis stage only. Data were collected through documentary studies from various written sources. The documents used are a copy of the Minister of Education and Culture Regulation number 37 of 2018, the revised bloom taxonomy, XII grade high school chemistry books and university standard textbooks. Based on the results of the structural analysis, there are 10 basic competencies that need to be improved from the 11 existing basic competencies, and the results of the content analysis result in material content that needs to be improved, namely regarding the equalization of redox reactions.


Structure, Content, Model of Educational Reconstruction, Copy of Permendikbud, bloom taxonomy

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