Diagnostic Of Metal Pollution In The Soil, Vegetation And Water At The Andralanitra Landfill Level

Harilanto Miarantsoa Rabenirina, Tianjanahary Nathalie Razafiarisoa, Hanitrinisoa Harimisa Andriamafana, Christine Ravonizafy, Yves Jean Michel Mong, Rado Rasolomampianina


The Andralanitra landfill is the waste disposal site for the city of Antananarivo. The accumulation of waste can lead to serious environmental problems, such as heavy metal contamination of the soil, surrounding vegetation and nearby water resources. The aim of this study is therefore to assess the level of metal contamination in the water, soil and edible vegetation located 50 to 500 m from the Andralanitra landfill. 53 samples were collected at each sampling point. The concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn) in the various samples were determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. For the soil samples, the results showed high levels of contamination exceeding acceptable standards, such as lead (24.80 mg/kg to 1034.02 mg/kg), manganese (112.7 to 1276.7 mk/kg) and cadmium (1.33 to 6.31 mg/kg). Analysis of the vegetation showed a high accumulation of iron (142.6-1265.8 mg/kg), chromium (0.89-16.28 mg/kg), copper (3.82-19.31 mg/kg), nickel (3.11-9.48 mg/kg) and zinc (46.83-261.34 mg/kg), which may pose potential risks to the health of the plant and above all to the food chain. The water samples are less contaminated compared to soil sample and plant sample because heavy metal migration is limited to the soil. The results were then statistically analyzed by the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) method, followed by a correlation study between the heavy metals measured.


Water; Soil; Edible Plants; Heavy Metals; Principal Component Analysis

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v45.2.6355


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