Perceived Contributions of Non-Formal Education Sector to Human Resources Development by Students of Science Education, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria

Beatrice L. Sababa, L. K. Sababa, Jacob Filgona


The major thrust of this paper was to determine the contributions of non-formal education sector to human resources development as perceived by students of Science Education, Adamawa State University, Mubi, Nigeria.  In line with this, the study investigated the perception of Teacher trainees on the contributions of non-formal sector to national development. The research questions raised sought to identify the forms of non-formal education and their contributions to human resources development. The research questions also addressed the major challenges confronting the sector. The population of the study consisted of all 100-400 level students of Science Education Department, Adamawa State University, Mubi. A simple random sampling technique was used to draw 200 students from the population of 460 students of the Department of Science Education. An instrument constructed by the researcher and tagged ‘’Contributions of Non-formal Education Questionnaire’’ (CONOFEQ), was used to obtain data from the students. Descriptive statistics of frequency counts and percentages were used to answer the research questions. The study revealed the provision of functional literacy education to non-completers of formal education and reduction of high rate of illiteracy in the country as the major contributions of non-formal education sector to national development. Poor mobilization and poor funding were identified as major challenges confronting the non-formal sector. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended that students in Teacher Education Institutions should be properly inducted in the provision of non-formal education programmes and posted to conduct their internship programme in the related sectors. Government should place more emphasis in the provision of functional literacy and occupational skills to target populations outside the formal education sector.


Development; Formal Education; Human Resources; Teacher trainees; Non-Formal Education, National Development,

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