Ethics and the Role of Accountants Facing the Current Industrial Revolution

Aulia Hafiida Ade Yolandra, Kurnia Ekasari, Kartika Dewi Sri Susilowati


Accountants as a profession are required to keep abreast of developments in an increasingly globalized world. In the current era of the Industrial Revolution, the Indonesian accounting profession must respond to these challenges by strengthening expertise, opening insights both independently and in groups, instilling high values and ethics to contribute in order to withstand pressure and win the competition. Accountants have a code of ethics that regulates professional ethics issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants under the name Professional Ethics of Accountants. The code of ethics for the accounting profession is used as a basis for ethical behavior and becomes a guarantee of quality morals in society. The development of the digital economy has changed the role of accountants from book-keeping to internal control and information analysis for management, as well as increasing competition in the field of accounting education. Students are required to understand and follow the code of ethics for the accounting profession as the basis for their future professionalism, which can be learned through professional ethics courses. Understanding the code of ethics will help students behave ethically at work and position themselves as professional accountants. The code of ethics for the accounting profession contains principles and rules that must be obeyed by accountants, such as professional responsibility, integrity, objectivity, competence, confidentiality, professional behavior, and technical standards. This article aims to explain narratively the role of ethical accountants in facing the industrial revolution. Accountants face a number of challenges in carrying out their roles and obligations. It is recommended that all interested parties jointly take a role and help each other to make improvements in upholding professional ethics.


Ethics, Accounting Profession, Industrial Revolution

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Copyright (c) 2023 Aulia Hafiida Ade Yolandra, Kurnia Ekasari, Kartika Dewi Sri Susilowati

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