E-Reporting at the Hajj Financial Management Agency: Do They Need it or Not?

Muhammad Rasyid Ridho, Nur Indah Riwajanti, Nurafni Eltivia


This study aims to analyse the business process of preparing the Hajj Financial Management Accountability Report and focuses on the business process for preparing LP3KH every month. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study approach. This research uses two data sources, namely primary data and secondary data. Based on fishbone analysis, many problems arise that can be caused by employees who have difficulty in preparing LP3KH, namely with the main problems encountered are manual processes in preparing LP3KH and problems in data consistency. These problems are caused by the absence of applications, the need for additional employees, and the guidelines that are still in the form of narratives. Inconsistent information is feared to trigger fraud in the future. The impact of the existing problems causes obstacles in compiling and completing LP3KH due to errors and also difficulties in meeting completion milestones. So, this research only focuses on analysing the business process of preparing LP3KH which can help in improving the information system for preparing LP3KH for BPKH. Therefore, it is concluded that a review is needed, an integrated database, and the use of applications to help prepare the Hajj Financial Management Implementation Accountability Report. In addition, it is also necessary to improve the milestones for submitting supporting data for LP3KH and reorganising employee competencies and adding employees to compile LP3KH.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v39.1.5418


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