Build Back Better: Rehabilitation And Reconstruction After The Cianjur Earthquake Disaster

Muhammad Ihsan, Christine S. Marnani, Fauzi Bahar


Geographically, Indonesia is located in an area with a tropical climate, making Indonesia a country prone to disasters. Located within the Pacific Ring of Fire (volcanic arc), 76 out of 147 volcanoes in Indonesia have active status making this country the most disaster-prone place in the world. In recent years, various earthquake activities have been recorded in Indonesia, one of which occurred in Cianjur on November 21, 2022. The Cianjur earthquake was caused by active fault activity of the Eurasian plate with a shear fault type, a shallow crustal earthquake which caused the damage so big. This study aims to identify the development of earthquake resistant houses with RISHA technology (Simple Healthy Instant Houses) for sustainable development. This study used a qualitative approach with documentation data collection methods and data analysis using descriptive methods. The results of this study are sustainable post-disaster management in accordance with what is stated in the 2015-2030 Sendai Framework, namely build back better. Construction of permanent housing in Cianjur using RISHA earthquake resistant housing technology as a form of mitigation or preventing the occurrence of new disaster risks and reducing existing disaster risks while still paying attention to the living conditions and livelihoods of the local community.


Build Back Better; Rehabilitation and Reconstruction; Earthquake

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