Analysis of the Possibility of Establishing a New Authority Region for the Banda Islands, Maluku Province

Saleh Ramalan, I Nyoman Sumaryadi, Muhadam Labolo, Ika Sartika


Indonesia as an archipelagic country with 17,504 large and small islands and even more, stretching from 60 north latitude to 110 south latitude and 920 to 1420 east longitude. The development of regional development in Indonesia began with a decentralization process through the granting of autonomy to the regions to take care of themselves. Decentralization is a form of central and regional relations within the framework of a unitary state. The development of the New Autonomous Region in Maluku is of course with the aim of accelerating regional development due to geographical conditions consisting of Islands so it is believed that with New Autonomy it can lead to an increase in people's welfare more quickly. The development progress that took place in the new autonomous region of the Main District of Central Maluku was far better than that of the Main District itself. This certainly encourages the author to see the possibility of independent development for a sub-district area of Banda District

Coupled with other administrative and technical problems faced by the people of Banda District, the author conducted a series of studies to analyze the possibility of forming the New Banda Autonomous Region and find a governance model that is in accordance with the characteristics and special values of Banda District. This study uses a qualitative method with an explanatory form. The author concludes that the potential of natural resources owned by Banda in general is based on 3 sectors, namely fisheries, nutmeg plantations and tourism. Meanwhile, the UMMA Models government model is Utilization Management of all resources owned by Banda District with the aim of improving the welfare of the people of Banda District.


New Authority Region, Banda Islands, Maluku.

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