Indonesian Navy Geostrategy: Building Under Surface Strength As A Center Of Gravity For National Defense

Ican Wahyu Rizkiana, Lukman Yudho Prakoso, Aries Sudiarso


The discovery of a strange UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle) in the form of a seaglider three times in Indonesian waters indicates a threat towards state sovereignty. Indonesia with its five pillars of the World Maritime Axis (PMD) is still struggling with issues of maritime threats often arise in the form of territorial violation, the pilferage of marine products, and other illegal activities. As an archipelagic country with a wide border gate of the sea, it is often difficult to control the violations occur. Indonesia has huge marine potential requires the attention of the state in order to create the protection from the threat of sovereignty in the maritime territory of the archipelago. Under sea level, including the seabed, is a component of the continental shelf that needs to be monitored, considering that this area can be a gateway for foreign powers who want to intrude on Indonesian sovereignty. In addition, the under-surface area can be a strategic strength for the Indonesian navy as a country with a very strong maritime style. The actualization of the fifth pillar of PMD (building maritime defense forces) is to ensure the realization of security which is transformed into a naval geostrategy with the development of under-surface forces as the Center of Gravity for Indonesian defense.


Center of Gravity, Geostrategy, PMD (World Maritime Axis), Security, UUV (Unmanned Underwater Vehicle)

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