Empowerment Of Coastal Communities As A Reserve Component Of The Navy In The Work Area Of Lantamal V Surabaya In Supporting Indonesian Maritime Defense

Amanda Mary Kartika Palar, Beni Rudiawan, Buddy Suseto


Geographically, Indonesia has the longest coastline in both Asia and the world. This makes coastal areas vulnerable to various criminal activities, especially those who use the sea and coast as an alternative. Therefore, there is a need to strengthen the Indonesian Navy as part of the duties of the Indonesian Navy as enshrined in UU RI Number 34 of 2004, Article 9 (e) through community empowerment in coastal areas to fulfill its role in maximizing the strengthening of maritime defense areas. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the Indonesian Navy's coastal community empowerment in support of the Indonesian maritime defense strategy and the implementation of coastal community empowerment as Marine Reserve Components in support of the Indonesian maritime defense. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method and data was obtained through interviews, observations, and documentary studies. The result of this research is that empowering coastal communities as Marine Reserve Components can improve welfare and human resources in coastal areas in addition to strengthening Indonesia's maritime defenses. Defense and the economy support each other so that peace and prosperity can be brought about for the Indonesian people. The suggestion from this research is that synergies are needed between the Indonesian Navy, in this case, Lantamal V Surabaya, with the Surabaya City Government and the East Java Provincial Government in empowering coastal communities as Marine Reserve Components in support of Indonesia's naval defenses strengthens.


Coastal Communities, Empowerment, Maritime Defense, and Reserve Components

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v37.1.5073


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