Utilizing Satellite Imagery And Gis To Determine A Tsunami Self Evacuation Path In The Kuta Coast, Bali

Teguh Budiman, Dadang Gunawan, Setiyo Budiyanto, R A G Gultom, Bigar Kristantio


The State of Indonesia is a country that is traversed by the Ring of Fire, which means that the State of Indonesia has the privilege that there are many volcanoes in Indonesia. This is also caused by the existence of a subduction line that surrounds Indonesia from the west end to the east end, making Indonesia a country frequently hit by earthquakes. In facing any threat, the state must be prepared in all parameters so that when the threat occurs, the victims incurred are not many. The data used in this study is data for the southern part of Bali Island covering several regencies, including Badung Regency and Denpasar City Regency. Scenario segment determination is made based on the location of an earthquake with a shallow depth which is close to the island of Bali. With the character of a M9 megatrust earthquake and a shallow source of earthquake depth, it will certainly cause deformation of the ocean floor in the southern area of Bali Island. The results of the Kuta village inundation map show that the tsunami water inundation occurred to the mainland due to the geographical conditions of Kuta beach which are sloping and tend to be flat. Rock and gravity analysis shows that there are locations where liquefaction could occur in the Kuta beach area in the south near Ngurah Rai International Airport.



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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v37.1.5050


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