Improving the Existence of Standard Indonesian among Elementary Schooler

Zulfa Puspita Arum, Adista Suci Merdikawati, Anisa Dwi Rohmawati, Aisyah Nur 'Aini, Inayah Septiyani


The purpose this paper is three:(1) Formulates a program of habituation of writing and the medium of crossword games.  (2) Formulates the steps for implementing the program of habituation of writing the standard language and the medium of crossword puzzles.  (3) Formulate parties related to the implementation of the program. The approach used in this paper is descriptive qualitative based on literature review and observation. Primary data includes observational data. Secondary data includes: (1) books relevant to the topic of writing, (2) scientific papers, (3) articles from the internet, and (4) research results. The data collection is secondary data in the form of relevant theories were obtained by the literature review method. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively qualitatively. The preparation of this paper has gone through systematic steps, so that the results of a complete and structured study are obtained. The steps taken in writing this paper are: (1) finding and formulating problems, (2) finding and selecting relevant literature sources, (3) analyzing data to answer problems, (4) formulating alternatives solving problems, (5) drawing conclusions and recommending suggestions, and (6) compiling written papers. Crossword puzzle makes it easier for students to acquire vocabulary Indonesian to apply in everyday life. The steps are quite easy, which are as follows: (1) Students read readings and record words that are difficult to understand. After that with the teacher search in the dictionary, then the student fills in a crossword puzzle that is mostly derived from the text that has been read. (2) Students are tested for their vocabulary mastery through comprehension of the texts read.  (3) After successfully filling in all the columns in the crossword puzzle, the student creates a sentence and proceeds to make a paragraph or essay. This activity is carried out regularly so that students get used to it. (4) The teacher guides and accompanies the students during the activity.

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