Analysis Comparative of Healthy Onions of Consumption and Seeds in Sub District Medan Marelan City Medan

Abdon Sumardi Sinaga, Dan Rahmanta, Sri Fajar Ayu


This study aims to analyze the comparison of total production cost of onion farming consumption with onion seedling system, to analyze the comparison of red onion farming income consumption with onion seedling system and to compare the income level of onion farming consumption with onion seeding system. This research uses primary data obtained from the farmer. The respondent's farmers were determined by using the census, where all the population members were sampled. In this case the number of onion farmer population in the sub-district of Medan Marelan is relatively small, ie 45 people. Of the onion farmer population is 15 people is a farmer breeder onion seeds while 30oranglainnya is a shallot farmers consumption, so that the entire population serve as a sample. Data analysis method used is statistical analysis of difference test average of two independent samples (independent sample t-test). The results showed that the production cost of shallot seed farming and consumption system was significantly different at 95% confidence level. Average production cost per hectare per season of shallot seed planting was higher than the onion farming consumption. The revenue of onion seed farming and consumption was significantly different in 95% confidence level. Average acceptance per hectare per Season of shallot seed planting is higher than onion farming consumption. Average income per hectare per planting season and income per hectare per month onion seeds and consumption farms is significantly different at the level 95% confidence. Average income per hectare per planting season and per hectare per month of shallot seed farming income is higher than onion farming.


Farming, Onion Consumption, Onion Seed, Production Cost, Revenue, Income, Average Difference Test

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