Communication Climate Of The Public Relations Personnel Organization Of The North Sumatra Regional Police

Muhammad Alfikri


This study discusses the communication culture that occurs in Public Relations, especially the Subfield of Information of the North Sumatra Regional Police Community which is seen from the five values in communication culture according to Redding theory such as, the value of support, the value of participation in decision making, the value of trust, the value of trust, openness and directness and the value of high work goals.  This research is qualitative research with descriptive design. The data retrieval methods used in this study are interviews and observations. The informant in this study was a head of the Community Information subfield and a subfield personnel of the Community Information subfield. The results of this study show that the communication climate is conducive as a whole. The results of subsequent research also illustrate that the closeness established between leaders and subordinates is felt less because there are habits that apply and are hereditary in the police force.


Communication, Communication Climate, Organizational Communication

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