Dodol Ulame, a Mandailing’s Ethnic Food: History and Culture, Packaging, and It’s Challenge on Globalization

Gusti Setiavani, Sugiyono Sugiyono, Adil Basuki Ahza, Nugraha Edhi Suyatma


Mandailing Ethnic was famous with its social system and strong customs which is reflected in all aspects of life including in making dodol ulame. How dodol ulame able to survive in globalization era without losing its cultural identity is very interesting to learn even more there are still limited information about traditional and ethnicity. This study used qualitative phenomenological methods using primary and secondary data. Dodol ulame was first introduced by Mandailing ethnic and it was a symbol of the existence of Mandailing ethnics that was still maintained today which thrives on mutual help and kindship. The uniqueness of dodol ulame lies in the traditional manufacturing process using local ingredients i.e. glutinous rice flour, coconut milk, and palm sugar.  All ingredients were cooked for the long time so that it produces a distinctive taste and texture. In addition, the unique and traditional packaging system by using Pandanus leaf and hung it in a para-para was believed to be able to extend shelf life. On the globalization era, modifications and technologies need to be considered in order to overcome weaknesses in the long cooking process, low nutritional value, product standardization and environmental preservation of dodol ulame.  Overall this study tries to highlight information about traditional and ethnic dodolulame to preserve its existence which is full of traditions and mandailing ethnic culture in the era of globalization.


traditional, ethnic, Indonesia food; packaging; Mandailing.

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