Comparison of Cooperative Learning Model Jigsaw and Think Pair Share (TPS) Toward Competency Learning High School Biology Class X To Content Ecosystem and Environmental Pollution

Muhamad Imron, Hardeli ., Dwi Hilda Puteri, Ramadhan Sumarmin


The results of observations that have been made in class X Senior high school Kurnia Jaya pangkalan nyirih shows that the discussion group in applied learning process of teachers has not gone well so the responsibility for students in discussions uneven and cognitive competence of learners is still low. One effort to overcome these problems is to use cooperative learning model, the model of learning jigsaw and Think Pair Share (TPS). This study aims to determine the ratio between the model jigsaw and Think Pair Share (TPS) on the competency study biology.

This study is a quasi-experimental research (quasi exsperiment). The study population was class X Senior high school Kurnia Jaya pangkalan nyirih  Academic Year 2016/2017, sampling was done by using purposive sampling and got class X1, as an experimental class I treatedmodels, jigsaw and class X3  as an experimental class II treated TPS models. Instruments used in the form of an essay test. Data analysis techniques to test the hypotheses is t-test.

results showed competence comparison study results are significant (sig <0.05) among students who study with the model jigsaw and students learn tomodels. think pair share It can be concluded that there is no difference to the competence of student learning outcomes. The difference is only found in classical completeness between classes using a model jigsaw with a class that uses a model polling stations. The average value of competence cognitive abilities experimental class I is 81.60 with the percentage of students who completed was 85.18% and the percentage of students who have not completed was 14.81%. While the experimental class II average cognitive ability competence is 81.09 with the percentage of students who completed was 69.23% and the percentage of students who have not completed was 30.77%. Affective and psychomotor value in both the experimental class is in the value of both categories.


Cooperatif; Jigsaw; Think Pair Share; Competency.

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