Approaches to Diagnostics of the Dysfunctional State of the Temporomandibular

S.A Gafforov, G.E Idiev, F.I. Ibragimova


According to some literature data, special attention in the diagnosis of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint is given to a detailed analysis of complaints, collecting anamnesis and data from the main research methods that characterize the dental status of specialized patients in the form of structural algorithms using databases focused on this pathology [10,12,16, 25,35, 37, 43], in addition, clinical methods for diagnosing functional disorders of the dental system are generalized, taking into account modern scientific views [6,7,8, 18, 21]. To date, a non-contact method of computer assessment of the state of the lower jaw movements is proposed; for determining occlusal disorders, the latest computer technology is reliably considered-the t-Scan device, ARCUS digma and a virtual articulator with software for using intraoral scanners [36,38,39, 41]. Other authors claim that electronic axiography remains relevant in the diagnosis and treatment of temporomandibular joint dysfunction [3, 9, 15, 24,40].


Diagnostics, Dysfunctional State, Temporomandibular.

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