Clinical Features of Diagnostics and Their Defenses in Patients with Dysfunction of the High-Mandibular Joint without Pathology, Inflammatory-Dystrophic Origin

Gafforov Sunnatullo Amrulloevich, Astonov Otabek Mirjonovich


Temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMJ) is a progressive disease; with prolonged exposure to the etiofactor, and sometimes even after its elimination, deep, often irreversible changes occur in the joint, causing dysfunction. Also, it should be noted that among the diseases of the joint, one of the first places is occupied by the so-called "internal disorders", which are understood as changes in intra-articular relationships, including displacements, defects, deformities of the articular disc, sprains and ruptures of the articular ligaments [1.3.5]; with various clinical manifestations and the absence of clear diagnostic principles, such patients often turn to doctors of other specialties and do not receive appropriate treatment [2.6].


Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Diagnosis and Treatment, Pathology, Etiology and Pathogenesis.

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