How to Validity Handbook in Introduction and Laboratory Techniques Oriented PBL
The problems found in the introductory and laboratory techniques courses are the practical handbook used so far are not complete in terms of the practical component of the lab, the contents of the handbook does not yet reflect the overall coverage of the material, many students who do not understand and are not yet skilled in using laboratory tools and materials because of the lack of practical activities contained in the handbook. The study aims to produce a valid laboratory handbook. This research is a development research. This developed using the 4D model. In this research only develop stage that is validity. Data obtained from the questionnaire validity and assessed from several aspects of the characteristics, quality elements, issues, and stages PBL. Data were analyzed by percentage technique and processed descriptively. Based on the results of validity obtained from the questionnaire by the validator obtained a mean of 100%. The conclusion of this research is the result of the handbook for introductory and laboratory technique oriented PBL is very valid.
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