Factors Influencing The Density Of Termite Mounds On Agricultural Land: An Evidence From The Pendjari Region (North-Benin)

OGOUDEDJI Georges Pascal Codjovi, Jacob Afouda Yabi, Rosaine Nerice Yegbemey


In north Benin in general and particulary in the Pendjari region, smallholder farmers earn low incomes because their agricultural production has been confronted with both soil fertility declining and expensive chemical fertilizers. So they may find alternative to chemical fertilizer to mitigate the decline of the soil fertility. Then termite fertility effect becomes an option free of charge to be explored by the farmers. The objective of this study is to assess factors affecting the density of termite mound on a crop plot. For this purpose, a Hierarchical Multiple Regression (HMR) was estimated by using empirical data collected in the villages of Batia and Dassari in Tanguiéta and Matéri Districts, respectively. The sampling was in random, including 382 crop plots belonging to 152 farmers. The analysis revealed that the density of termite mound on a crop plot is mainly affected by the farming system data than the personal data. So, it appears important to advise farmers on termite mound fertility effect and management of termite mounds density on agricultural lands as a measure to improve soil fertility.


Hierarchical Multiple Regression, Determinant, Factor, Termite, Pendjari, Benin.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v20.1.1591


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