An Analysis of Youth Character Building Applied by Learner Centered Method: A Case Study of Workshop 21st century Fluency Skills Education, Lifelong Guidelines and Lifeskills (Universal Values) in Medan, Indonesia

Loly Gunaly Ginting


The rationale of this research is a lot of efforts already undertaken by the government in building youth character but not yet showing expected results. The situation happens because Indonesia still using traditional learning methods which focus almost exclusively on cognitive domains and pay less attention to the physical and social-emotional domain. Researcher observed that learner centered method is an effective method to build youth character, motivation and creativity that intertwined cooperation and efforts to support each other. The purpose of this qualitative and survey case study research is to gain an understanding of learner centered method’s implementation in building character. Samples of the research were ten participants and one trainer from purposive sample, and primary data collection tools are semi-structured interviews. Individual interviews conducted to obtain the appropriate depth interview participants' perception from different backgrounds and life experiences. Data analysis is conducted through three processes: description, reduction and interpretation by using content analysis method and a case-oriented replication strategy to analyze the results of case study data. The findings in this study were (1) the method used to facilitate the active involvement of participants are explanations, discoveries, open-ended questions, demonstrations, discussions, brainstorming, role plays, participation, games and debates which applied by using learner centered method. (2) The acquisition skills of the participants in the training are self-esteem, self-awareness, assertiveness, friendship, empathy, negotiation, communication, creative thinking, critical thinking and problem-solving.


Training; Leaner Centered Method; Character Building; and Youth.

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