Popularity Level and Role of Actors in the Degree Centrality Network of Eucalyptus Oil Processor Farmers in Waisala Village, West Seram Regency, Maluku Province

Paulus Melkianus Puttileihalat


Both quantity and quality of production outcomes are determined by the availability of information needed by eucalyptus oil processor farmers for developing their farming business. The dissemination of this information across the farmers is usually done by farmers who have central role in the degree centrality network, and these farmers become the model for other farmers who seek for this information. The objective of this research is to analyze popularity level of actors in the degree centrality network and to identify role of these actors in the dissemination of information related with eucalyptus oil business. Result of research is explained into several words. The popular actors in the degree centrality network, especially on the aspects of production, capital lending, and marketing of production outcomes, are Saman Usemahu, La Junaedi, Abu Habar, La Icu and La Nyong. Role as opinion leader are played by those persons, precisely Saman Usemahu, La Junaedi, Abu Habar, La Icu and La Nyong. Meanwhile, roles as bridge, gate keeper, and star are mostly played by La Icu and La Nyong. The implication of this research is that popular actors with central role in the degree centrality network are truly needed to disseminate information about eucalyptus oil business concerning with the aspects of production, capital lending, and marketing of production outcomes to fulfill the livelihood of eucalyptus oil processor farmers.



Role of Actors, Degree Centrality Network, Eucalyptus Oil Processor Farmers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v17.2.1416


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