The Difficulties and Prospects of Parliamentary Culture Development in Post-Soviet Armenia

Emil Ordukhanyan


The phenomenon of parliamentary culture in post-Soviet Armenia is not deeply explored. But it does not mean that this problem has been or is a matter of less importance as political science issue. The effective functioning of parliamentary system is directly related to the quality of parliamentary culture. In any country without proper elements of parliamentary culture, the parliamentary system cannot provide political stability and be an effective model of state governance.

The system analysis of difficulties and development prospects' issues of parliamentary culture is impossible without the study of political culture characteristics and their influence on political process. Consequently, the current state of parliamentary culture in Armenia directly depends on the nature and peculiarities of political culture, as the parliament has a status of political representation body.

As conclusion, the institutional legitimization of authorities as well as democratic parliamentary culture mechanisms implementation can become key factors for ensuring political stability, particularly in the case of parliamentary model of governance.


parliamentary culture, system analysis, political representation, political stability, post-Soviet transformation

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