The Influence of Cooperative Type Time Token Studying Model to The Compentency of Biological Attitude of SMAN 7 Padang Students

Gustri Yani, Linda Advinda


 The aim of this research is to know the influence of cooperative type time token studying model to the compentency of Biological attitude of SMAN 7 Padang students. This research was held on April 2019. This is a Quasi-experimental.  The population in this research is all the students of in SMAN 7 Padang grade x that officially registered on school year 2018/2019. The sample of this research was grade X IPA 2 as the control class and grade X IPA 3 as the experimental class which was taken by using  purpossive random sampling technique. The instrument used was attitude assesment sheeet. The data analysis was held by using T Test. The finding shown that there was significant difference between attitude competency experimental class and control class. The average value of students in experimental class was 84,37 and in control class 79,15. So we conclude that the cooperative studying model of time token type had significant effect in increasing competency of the students of SMAN 7 Padang.


Competency of Biological Attitude, SMAN 7 Padang Students, Cooperative Studying.

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