Implementation of Reading-Concept Map-Group Investigation (Remap-GI) Model in Biology Learning to Improve X Grade Students’ Learning Outcomes and Soft Skills

Rini Eka Setiani, Abdul Razak


The purpose of the research was to improve students' cognitive competence and soft skills through implementing Reading-Concept Map-Group Investigation (ReMap-GI) learning model. There are three soft skills investigated in this research, which are critical thinking, communication and cooperation.   It was a participant classroom action research. It was done in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning, action, observation, and reflection stages. Subject of the research was 34 students, consisted of 19 female and 15 male. Instruments used were students' test, students' soft skills observation sheets, and field notes at the end of each cycle. The research findings show that implementation of ReMap-GI learning model can improve students' cognitive competence and soft skills. Percentage of students' classical achievement in cognitive competence improves time by time. In pre-cycle, the percentage is 40.63% (low), in cycle I is 67.65% (good) and in cycle II is 85.29% (very good). Meanwhile, percentage of students' soft skills also improves. In pre-cycle, the percentage is 45.31% (enough), in cycle I is 70.58% (good) and in cycle II  is 82.35% (very good).  From the finding, it proves that the implementation of ReMap-GI learning model can improve students' cognitive competence and soft skills in class X-2 SMAN 2 PlusPanyabungan.


Action Research, Remap-GI Model, Cognitive Learning Outcome,Soft Skills

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