IJPST Optimum Fuel Tank Capacity Estimation for Tug Boats Basing on Existing Vessels

Stephen CHIDOZIE Duru


Abstract:  This research is based on data collected from existing tugboats of the world fleet. Regression analysis done on this data yielded formulas from which the equation for the calculation of optimal fuel tank capacity of tugboats of wide variety of sizes, power, and speed. The regression correlation factor for the finally derived equation is 0.981. This equation will not only meet most of the operational fuel demands of the tugboat but will assure that the freeboard of the projected tugboat design meets stability requirements. The formula very closely predicted existing tugboat fuel tank capacity requirement and can be used as a standard for the fuel tankage of tugboats.


Keywords- Tugboats, Fuel tankage, Estimation regression analysis, Formula

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v13.2.777


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Copyright (c) 2019 Stephen CHIDOZIE Duru

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