Smart Home Energy Management Algorithm Considering Renewables Energies and Storage Resources

Halim Halimi, Gazmend Xhaferi


The efficient use of the incorporation of photovoltaic generation (PV) and solar panel with the Home Energy Management System (HEMS) can play a significant role in improving grid stability and economic benefit of the consumers.

To reduce the peak load and electricity bill, was proposed a smart appliances control algorithm for the smart home energy management system (SHEMS) with integration of the renewable energy sources (RES) and energy storage system (ESS).

The proposed algorithm decreases the peak load and electricity bill by shifting starting times of shifted appliances from peak to off-peak periods.

Therefore, an energy storage system (ESS) and backup battery storage system (BBSS) is also considered for stable and reliable power system operation. The aims of this is to reduce energy usages and monetary cost with an efficient home energy management scheme (HEMS).

In this paper, a cost efficient power-sharing technique is developed which works based on priorities of appliances operating time.


Smart home, HEMS; RESs; PV, ESS

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