A Model For Improving The Professional Competencies Of Future Technology Teachers Based On An Integrative Approach
This article highlights interdisciplinary integration and some of the requirements and conditions for establishing integrative education in higher education institutions. It also provides a detailed description of the general characteristics of integrative lessons. The integration of general professional and specialized subjects in higher education institutions, along with the implementation of career-oriented education, plays a crucial role in the preparation of future professionals. The teaching of all subjects should be systematically coordinated and aimed at a single goal: to prepare networked specialists who can professionally adapt to the demands of the times. In this regard, ensuring the content of educational materials is of paramount importance. To achieve this goal, it is advisable to develop the scientific and pedagogical foundations for integrating academic subjects within the educational content, to improve the curriculum based on the requirements of liberalizing the educational process, to create a new generation of educational programs and textbooks with integrative content, and to develop and adopt the integration of educational content.
Implementing the integration of sciences is an effective method for developing the professional competence of future technology teachers, requiring interconnectedness of subject topics and interdisciplinary connections. Introducing various levels of integration into the educational process saves students' time and effort, expands their cognitive abilities, and creates mechanisms for predicting the outcomes of the learning process based on inter-subject integration. Furthermore, it establishes the legal and methodological framework for training and developing the skills of teachers who manage integrated educational processes. The economic efficiency of the learning process is determined based on integrative programs. Additionally, it creates favorable opportunities for widely utilizing international experience in organizing the learning process based on integral programs.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v48.2.6895
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