Unpacking the Customer Experience: How Promotions, Knowledge, and Service Shape Behavior in Subway Surabaya, Indonesia

Ronald Suryaputra, Yolanda Soedibyo


The food and beverage sector was the largest contribution to the non-oil and gas processing industry's GDP during that time, accounting for 37.82% of the total. The growing diversity and range of gastronomic delights emerging in Surabaya has drawn the author's attention to the culinary industry, which concentrates on one particular kind of culinary enterprise, namely a restaurant called Subway. The American global fast-food restaurant chain Subway IP LLC, doing business as Subway, specializes in submarine sandwiches (subs) and wraps.A research study was conducted in Surabaya, with 190 Subway customers serving as the sample of respondents. Using the snowball method, the respondents were selected based on the traits of other respondents. Based on the data analysis, three hypotheses were supported.


Promotion, Product Understanding, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Behavior Intention

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v48.2.6892


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