Examining Regional Elections (Pilkada) Through Strategic Leadership Theory: Integrating The Total People's Defense System And Grassroots-Oriented Policies

Nur Hariyani, Azwar Amar Ma'ruf, I Gede Sumertha KY, Helda Risman


Regional elections, commonly referred to as Pilkada in Indonesia, serve as a vital democratic mechanism for selecting regional leaders and influencing policy directions that impact local development and national priorities. Traditionally viewed as arenas for political competition, Pilkada holds the potential to transcend elite-focused dynamics and become a transformative platform for fostering inclusive governance, strengthening social cohesion, and advancing national resilience. This article examines Pilkada through the lens of strategic leadership theory, emphasizing its capacity to integrate developmental and defense-oriented objectives within the framework of the Total People's Defense System (Sistem Pertahanan Rakyat Semesta, SPRS). By employing a conceptual and analytical approach, this study explores how adaptive leadership, inclusivity, and grassroots participation can be leveraged to align Pilkada outcomes with both local needs and broader national interests. It identifies strategic leadership as a critical component in ensuring that Pilkada transitions from a focus on electoral competition to a mechanism for producing leaders capable of addressing complex regional challenges, promoting participatory governance, and contributing to sustainable development. Furthermore, the integration of SPRS principles into Pilkada processes is highlighted as a means to enhance regional resilience by embedding defense and security considerations into governance frameworks. The findings underscore the importance of policy recommendations aimed at institutionalizing grassroots engagement, fostering collaboration between stakeholders, and enhancing public literacy on the democratic and developmental roles of Pilkada. This abstract offers a strategic framework for transforming Pilkada into a more effective and productive platform for national development, governance reform, and societal empowerment.


Pilkada, strategic leadership, Total People's Defense System, grassroots policies, regional elections

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.52155/ijpsat.v48.2.6890


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