Sustainable Management of Green Spaces in the City of Dakar

Tamsir TOURE, Dr Elhadji Oumar Touré


The main objective of this study was to appraise the mode of management of public green spaces in the City of Dakar. To do this, the list of public green spaces was obtained from the inspection of green spaces (Water and Forests Directorate) in Dakar. We also conducted semi-structured interviews with representatives of the following institutions: the Department of Urban Landscapes and Public Spaces, the urban green spaces division of the City of Dakar, managers of public green paces across 7 municipalities out of 19 of the City of Dakar, the National Statistics and Demography Agency, and private sector actors. This was complemented by an exploratory study to investigate problems encountered in the field. The results clearly show that urbanization is detrimental to local biodiversity. As for the rate of coverage of green spaces in the city, the study reveals a different panorama: if we consider the City of Dakar as a whole, the inhabitants need for green spaces is satisfied. However, a ratio per inhabitant of 0.33 m2 indicates that the ratio of green space per inhabitant in the municipality of Dakar Plateau is very insufficient. Finally, a survey of the technical services of seven municipalities revealed that the managers of green spaces were interested in sustainable management. They also already adopted practices to meet the challenges of sustainable management. Furthermore, the analysis of the responses show that the treatment of the issues is unequal, and that many technical obstacles to the sustainable management of public green spaces were encountered. In conclusion, this study made it possible to propose a set of good practices for the management of green spaces, and technical support for all managers within the technical departments.


PCET - urban landscape - vegetated - Municipalities - technical services

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