Robotic Surgery for Endometriosis; A step to Future

Maged Naser, Mohamed M. Nasr, Lamia H. Shehata


Endometriosis is a persistent condition influencing roughly 10% of women of reproductive age, prompting huge physical and emotional pressure. Therapies incorporate medical management and surgical interventions, with laparoscopic medical procedure being the highest quality level for eliminating endometrial tissue. The approach of robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery (RALS) has empowered more complex methods to be performed minimally invasively, expanding its utilization in high-difficulty surgeries . Created in the late twentieth century, Systems like the Da Vinci Careful Framework have changed a surgical procedure by upgrading accuracy, dexterity, and visualization. The most recent models, including the Da Vinci Xi and SP, offer high level elements, for  example, upgraded arm mobility, fluorescence imaging, and single-port abilities. Comparative studies of RALS and conventional laparoscopy (LPS) for endometriosis show mixed results. While certain studies show no huge differences in complications or recovery results, others feature longer operative times and hospital stays for RALS. In spite of these disadvantages, RALS isn't second rate compared to LPS in general. The clinical advantages of RALS incorporate more prominent accuracy and exactness, diminished surgeon fatigue, and a quicker learning curve worked with by cutting edge ergonomic and control systems. Be that as it may, the significant expenses and broad foundation prerequisites limit the availability and accessibility of robotic surgery medical, especially in smaller or rural hospitals. The shortfall of tactile sensation stays a test, however impending advancement mean to address this. Proceeded with innovative work are crucial to make robotic surgery procedure more financially savvy and comprehensively open, guaranteeing its advantages can arrive at a more extensive patient populace. This theoretical exemplifies the vital parts of robotic surgery procedure's turn of events, comparative studies with conventional methods, and its clinical advantages and constraints, featuring the requirement for progressing upgrades and exploration.


Endometriosis, Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Medical Procedure, Conventional Laparoscopic Surgery.

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