Composition of Diatom Species in the Internal Organs of White Rats (Rattus norvegicus Berekenhout, 1769) as a Support for Forensic Diagnosis of Drowning Victim Cases

Taufik Hidayattuloh, Nofrita Nofrita, Jabang Nurdin


Forensic diagnosis of drowning victims can be done in several ways, one of which is by looking at the diatoms found on the drowning victim's body to see where the drowning victim occurred, the cause of death of the drowning victim, and determining the length of time the drowning victim took place. This study aims to determine the species and characteristics of the diatoms found in the internal organs of white rats (R. norvegicus) that were drowned in the Batang Arau River, Padang City and to determine the species of diatoms that can help forensic diagnoses at the drowning victim's crime scene. This research was carried out from October 2022 to January 2023 at the Batang Arau River, Padang City and the Animal Ecology Research Laboratory. The method used in this research is the survey method. In this study, the diatoms found in the internal organs of white rats were 19 species consisting of 147 individuals. Diatom cells are pinnate in shape, the most apex shape variations are rounded by 58% and the smallest is rostrate 10%, while the size of diatoms ranges from ±130.50 - ±1132.22 µm. Diatoms that can be used to assist in forensic diagnosis of crime scenes in the Batang Arau estuary are Eunotia bilunaris and Gomphonema pumilum.

Keywords: diatoms, internal organs, Batang arau river, crime scene, drowning


diatoms, internal organs, Batang arau river, crime scene, drowning

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