The Role Of The Indonesian Army’s “Bintara Pembina Desa” In Counter Insurgency Intelligence Operations In Papua

Azwar Amar Ma'ruf, Stellar Nube Mella, Fauzia Gustarina Cempaka Timur


Intelligence is a key component in all forms of warfare, especially in counter-insurgency or insurgency warfare. In order to arrest or neutralize insurgents in a discriminatory manner, accurate and timely intelligence related to the insurgent network is essential. Babinsa, as the main official in civil-military affairs at the village level, is familiar with the people and culture in a locality. This can help their role as intelligence collectors to support the counter-insurgency campaign. By using qualitative research methods, particularly through case studies and interviews, the author attempts to explain how Babinsa is used for the purpose of collecting data and information for intelligence purposes in counter-insurgency conflicts. The purpose of this study is to find out how Babinsa is used for intelligence gathering or data/information for intelligence purposes in counter-insurgency operations. The results of this study indicate that, due to their familiarity with the local population and culture, Babinsa are effective as intelligence collectors and can perform a variety of intelligence-related tasks that support the counter-insurgency campaign. In its use, Babinsa can identify who and where the enemy is, the enemy's relationship with the population, and other social issues exploited by the insurgents.

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